
Exhibition Info

IPAS 2024 Tehran Iran

IPAS 2024 Tehran Iran
Date:  21 - 24 October 2024
Venue:  Tehran, Iran


Police, Safety, and Security Equipment Exhibition (IPAS),Tehran, Iran

The idea to held IPAS exhibition took shape in 2001 with the initiative of the then Commander of the Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran. The first term was held at the same year entitled, “ IPAS 2002: on March 2001 on police, security and safety equipment at the venue of Conference Center of IRIB with the productions of 19 countries. After that , it was registered in the Calendar of Iran International Exhibitions Company and the exclusive right to hold the exhibition chronically was granted to Naja Cooperation Foundations on behalf of Naji Pas Company and IPAS was publicized in mass media in particular in international creditable websites.
IPAS is the only event about police,safety and security industries,it brings many related companies together for industry.

Number of visit : 9,852

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