
Exhibition Info

Advertising & Marketing 2024 Tehran Iran

Advertising & Marketing 2024 Tehran Iran
Date:  13 - 16 December 2024
Venue:  Tehran International permanent Fairground, Iran


Advertising & Marketing Exhibition is an International Exhibition of Advertising & Information Agencies, Design-Studios and Mass-Media. The exhibition will fully cover the fields of advertising industry.

Iran Advertising + Marketing Expo (A+M) provide an environment for all activities to become familiar with the latest world knowledge and show the ability of their company to public. Today, many managers are understandably seeing things objectively and quickly changes changed the rules of the games in the market. On the other hand, the lack of competitive mechanisms, prevent the development of knowledge and skills in marketing Process. Undoubtedly a successful transition into the world of advertising and marketing knowledge is required to be developed. Engagement in the global advertising and marketing industry needs its professional language, powerful promotional companies, using different methods of marketing and advertising, providing funds for the advertising and understanding differentiation in various markets, Continues Advertising ,Considering budget for advertising and providing distinct advertising during product life cycle. 

Today, many managers are understandably seeing things objectively and quickly changes changed the rules of the games in the market.  


1-       Support of advertising industry, promotion of quality and quantity of industry

2-       Reduction of negative effects of further commercial development and increasing positive functions

3-       Introduction to promote sales and marketing techniques

4-       Promotion of marketing culture for success in competitive markets and encourage greater domestic use of modern marketing tools

5-       Establishing a close relationship between marketing and advertising service providers and clients

6-       Familiarity with the latest developments in the international markets and competitors Modern and efficient

7-       transfer of technical knowledge in order to increase the quality and quantity of domestic production and the development of Non-oil exports.

Number of visit : 5,831

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