
Exhibition Info

Cairo ICT 2024 Cairo Egypt

Cairo ICT 2024 Cairo Egypt
The Digital Experience
Date:  17 - 20 November 2024
Venue: Egypt Int'l Exhibition Center, Cairo, Egypt


Cairo ICT is the Tech event that serves national objectives, businesses, development, and human resources.

H.E. President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi – President of Egypt – inaugurated Cairo ICT six years in a row since 2015.

Accompanied by most of the cabinet ministers, top officials and international and regional dignitaries, the President spent hours at each round to learn from the industry leaders what new trends are available to digitally transform the country.

Cairo ICT serves as an annual checkpoint to revise KPI’s introduced the year before and new ones for the year to come. International officials from the world’s top organizations and neighboring countries express enthusiasm, year after another, about being at this leading event.

Number of visit : 12,547

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