
Exhibition Info

Food and Agriculture 2025 Berlin Germany

Food and Agriculture 2025 Berlin Germany
International conference on agri-food
Date:  15 - 18 January 2025
Venue:  Berlin, Germany


Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World!

Making our food systems fit for the future and implementing the 2030 Agenda will require immense efforts. The international community, all of us, only have seven years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. However, according to the latest figures, one person in ten on this planet is suffering from hunger. More than two billion people cannot afford a healthy diet.

The High Level Debate was co-hosted by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Munich Security Conference (MSC) for the first time. Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, Commissioner from the African Union (AU) Josefa Sacko and Janet Maro (CEO Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), among others, discussed the topic of “Food, Climate and Security: Joining Forces for a Safer Tomorrow”. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Michael Werz (MSC). Please find more information on the High Level Debate here. The political highlight was the 16th Berliner Conference of Ministers of Agriculture. 61 Ministers from all around the world and 12 high-level representatives of International Organisations took part. In their final communiqué, the ministers undertook to continue the necessary transformation towards sustainable and consequently resilient agriculture and food systems and underlined that this was the only way to make the right to adequate food a reality for everyone across the globe. They recognised that the climate and biodiversity crises had destabilised the world and undertook to support agricultural practices and technologies that strengthen sustainable food production. They also made it clear that Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine had drastically increased hunger in the world.

Our aims and output

Ensure global food security – end hunger

  • According to most recent figures, up to 783 million people in the world are suffering from hunger and about 2.4 billion (29.6 % of the world’s population) people do not have reliable and safe access to adequate and sufficient food.
  • We intend to work together to find solutions for the farming sector in order to ensure global food security.
  • We aim at realising the right to adequate food at global level. We intend to monitor and document the development of the global discussion on food security.
  • We thereby hope to make a contribution to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Number of visit : 7,749

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