
Exhibition Info

Solar Energy 2024 Tehran Iran

Solar Energy 2024 Tehran Iran
Iran International Lighting and Energy Saving Exhibition
Date:  Probably August 2024
Venue:  Tehran Int'l Permanent Fairground, Iran


About the Exhibition
Despite its focus on the development hydrocarbon sector, Iranian lawmakers have prioritized the reduction of CO2 emissions and the development of renewable energy resources as key goals within the framework of the fifth five-year development plan - with a target of 5000 MW of installed capacity from renewable power plants in the short term. In the long term, the Iranian Government (the "Government") hopes to increase the nominal capacity of all power plants from 74 GW to over 120 GW by the end of 2025, in which a portion is determined to be derived from renewable resources.
In order to drive the country's growth in this sector, the Renewable Energy Organization of Iran (SUNA) was established in 1996 to evaluate the county's renewable energy potential, to implement renewable energy projects, and to guarantee the purchase of any electricity generated in order to attract private sectors' participation in this field. Today, SUNA is a company affiliated to the Ministry of Energy and tasked with all matters related to to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The Government is now seeking to capitalize on its vast potential by bringing in further private investment and is therefore offering substantial incentives for such private investors. SATBA provides power purchase agreement (PPA) model to be entered into with the private investor which guarantees electricity purchase for 20 years. The investor has the option to sell the electricity within the country to third parties, on the energy exchange market or any other method acceptable to the Ministry of Energy.

Number of visit : 10,237

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