
Exhibition Info

Safety and Labor Protection 2025 Moscow Russia

Safety and Labor Protection 2025 Moscow Russia
International specialised exhibition Labour Protection
Date:  Probably December 2025
Venue:  International specialised exhibition Moscow, Russia


On behalf of BIOT Organizing Committee we are pleased to invite you to the annual largest event in the sphere of labor protection, industrial safety and ensuring safety and health of the working person – to the XXIII International specialized exhibition "Safety and Labor Protection" (BIOT-2025).

The exhibition will take place  December 2025, Moscow, in hall 75 of the Exhibition Centre VDNH. The International forum on safety and labor protection (hereinafter referred to as Forum) will be held within the business program. Every year the exhibition is growing not only in volumes, but also qualitatively. Ac-cording to the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, in 2019 more than 400 companies from 22 countries participated in, and the number of foreign participants had reached 98.

The total amount of occupied space was 13 652 m2, more than 15 000 professionals visit-ed the exhibition, the number of foreign specialists was 659. Companies from Austria, Bel-gium, UK, Germany, China, Finland, India, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Pakistan, Sweden and other countries had arrived to share experience and practices.

Number of visit : 5,028

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