
Exhibition Info

Tranoi men's & Women's 2025 Paris France

Tranoi men's & Women's 2025 Paris France
The leading fashion tradeshow in Paris
Date:  18 - 19 March 2025
Venue:  Palais Brongniart, France


A community of new highly creative designers and new contemporary ready-to-wear, accessories, and lifestyle brands.

Tranoï is a champion for fashion that sparks emotion and expresses a powerful, precise vision. We prioritise design and we celebrate the unique, creative ways of working that make up the industry’s strength and wealth. Our curating process is based on three guidelines: we choose product offers that are original, innovative and with high standards. We deliver a remarkable experience and an inspirational outlook on fashion through the events we organise and our digital platform, we identify and select designers from around the world.

An unmissable B2B event in Paris that brings together a community of new highly creative designers and new contemporary ready-to wear, accessories, and lifestyle brands. Part of the calendar of the PFW with fashion runways, TRANOÏ is a not-to-be-missed event.

BETWEEN US, A CREATIVE COMMUNITY TRANOÏ -between us in Italian- is first of all a community of individuals passionate about the very best of creativity, fashion, design, lifestyle and art. It is a social platform that gathers and connects international avant-garde designers and contemporary brands with buyers, influencers and key opinion leaders, making them part of a culturally relevant experience
A UNIQUE AND DISRUPTIVE VISION OF FASHION THAT CULTIVATES ONE’S INDIVIDUALITY TRANOÏ, resisting fashion since 1998. Constantly tracking newness and specialness, TRANOÏ does not cast brands or designers, but seeks for strong and high-end identities instead, unique concepts with a singular vision of fashion.
A PARIS FASHION WEEK INSIDER TRANOÏ has pioneered the Parisian fashion scene unearthing and showcasing international creative designers during Paris Fashion Week. In times of social, economic and ecological commitments, staging the avant-garde of fashion in such iconic and not-to-be missed monuments of the the Parisian heritage as the Palais Brongniart or the Royal Palace of the Louvre can be slightly provocative, an expression of TRANOÏ‘s rebellious spirit.

Number of visit : 4,785

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